Upcoming Events
Stay up-to-date on special events and services happening here at Kingston.
Habitat Faith Build Day - August 19
Habitat for Humanity is having another Faith Build and is asking Kingston Presbyterian Church if they can help with construction in August. The house is being built here in Conway. The Mission Committee is looking for Volunteers to help with construction on Saturday, August 19th, 8 AM - 3:30 PM. Click below to sign up for this date!
August KIDS J.A.M.
Calling all children in preschool and elementary! Join Mrs. Holly after worship on August 6th for the August Kids JAM. You will be learning all about how "Jesus is our Anchor."
Stewardship Sunday
Sunday September 10th is Stewardship Sunday. Stewardship Sunday is a Sunday when we encourage everyone who is a part of our church family to make a "pledge" of what you and your family plan to give financially to the church in 2024. Pledges are an important part of the financial health of the church because it allows our session to vote on a realistic budget for the upcoming calendar year. Continue to be in prayerful consideration about your pledge for the upcoming year.
Blessing of the Backpacks
Join us on Sunday, August 20, and bring your bookbag, too! We will have a special blessing over our students and the new school year. Hope to see you there!
Parent Meeting
If you have children or youth in Kindergarten through 12th grade, join Holly on Tuesday, August 29 at 5:30pm. We will go over the calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
Sign Language Class
Scott Eller is teaching a 6-week ASL class again this fall. The first class begins on September 11th. Call the church office or let Scott know if you would like to attend. It is open to all ages. Whether you know ASL or have never signed before, this class is for you!
Play-n-Pray for Preschool and Parents!
Beginning in September, we are going to have a monthly preschool/parent class with Mrs. Holly during the Sunday School hour. They will learn age-appropriate worship songs, have hands-on bible stories, and lots of fun! Contact Holly for more info.
Wednesday Suppers + Bible Study
Our Wednesday suppers return in September! Our first Wednesday will be September 13th at 6:00pm. Join us for supper and a bible study time with Pastor Robert.
KPC Men's Breakfast
All men of the church are invited to men's breakfast. We meet the 3rd Sunday of each month at 8:30am. The following dates for the fall are:
August 20
September 17
October 15 -
Youth Bible Study Night
This fall, our middle and high school students will meet on Tuesday nights from 5:30-7:30pm. Our first Bible Study night is September 5th!
We will enjoy dinner together, and have a time of games and fellowship, and we will be studying Paul's letters in the New Testament and diving into Christian unity in a divided world. -
Bible study
Women's Bible Study
Our Women's Bible Study will resume on Monday, September 11th at 7pm in the Kingston Building. We will be studying "Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts" by Olive Mahabir. Study books are $10 or $15 for large print books. If you would like to order a large print, please contact the office.